I would like to share my solution on how to sync your wolfmix to music (Spotify, Dj Software or Line Input) automatically. No need to manually tap in bpm anymore. I searched a lot and think there is nothing similar to this on the forum. That's why I am starting a new topic to help other wolfmix users like me.
Generally wolfmix has the option to use Ableton Link as an Bpm Input. I tested it with rekordbox and other dj software and found out that popular dj software does not export bpm via Ableton link. Dj software also imports bpm via Ableton link, but has no option to export it. What I needed was a software that analyzes the bpm of music and exports it via Ableton Link to my wolfmix. For example analyzing my Spotify output or the output of my Dj Mixer and sending the correct bpm to my wolfmix to automatically sync lights. Earlier this year I stopped my search with the result that there is no bespoken software. A month ago I started getting into video walls, vjing and resolume and found out about a software called pulse. It does exactly what I always wanted and made me really happy!!
Pulse is a realtime bpm analysis tool by the developer hybrid constructs. It automatically calculates the correct bpm of a music source and exports it via ableton link. Once you use it there is no more need to tap in the bpm manually on your wolfmix. When you know your BPM is always right, you can focus on being creative and making a better light show. You can try it yourself by downloading the demo version of the software. It is really simple use and no complex configuration needed. All in all I think its the prefect addition to my wolfmix and think its great for most light operators and mobile djs using wolfmix.
Here is what my setup looks and how I use pulse:
I generally use my wolfmix in three scenarios. The first are birthday partys where I play Spotify songs from my laptop and use the wolfmix on auto play mode. In this case the guest change and select their music on their own. I am usually not at the party and the wolfmix automatically plays through its presets. The second scenario is me mobile djing with my pioneer controller and rekordbox dj software and controlling lights with wolfmix by selecting presets manually. The third scenario is doing light shows with wolfmix at clubs and bigger partys with external djs. I only focus on doing lights there and manually use all functions of the wolfmix.
I came up with two setups for my three scenarios
First setup (I use it in scenario one and two)
Hardware needed: Laptop and Wolfmix
Software needed: Wtools, Pulse
When doing mobile djing or just playing music from Spotify I only need my laptop and wolfmix. I open up my dj software or Spotify and start to play music. Then I open up the Wtools software and connect my wolfmix via the usb cable. The wtools software is needed to use Ableton link on the wolfmix. The next step is to open up pulse and select the input source in the settings. For rekordbox I can simply select rekordbox aggregate device (maybe it is called different on windows, I am using mac) as an input in pulse. When using Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud or any other music software you need to route your computers music output as an input. I use the free software blackhole on Mac. It simply lets you use your computers audio output as an input in other software like pulse. Afterwards I select blackhole as input in pulse. The last step is to activate Ableton link in your wtools software and it connects automatically to pulse. You can see the setup in picture 1 and picture 2. I never have to worry about my lights being in sync with music. I am also able to leave my wolfmix alone in auto mode, while it is playing lights to correct bpm because of pulse.
Second setup (I use it in scenario three)
Hardware needed: Laptop, Wolfmix, Audio interface
Software needed: Wtools, Pulse
When doing bigger shows with external djs I get the live audio from the sound engineer via an xlr or aux cable. I plug the cable into my audio interface to use the sound signal on my computer. I personally use the flow 8 from Behringer, but there are cheaper good audio interfaces out there like the focusrite Scarlett for example. Afterwards I open up the wtools software to use Ableton link with my wolfmix. Then I open up pulse to analyze bpm of the sound signal. I select my audio interface as an input in the pulse settings. Lastly I connect my wolfmix via usb to the laptop and activate Ableton link in wtools. You can see the setup in picture 3. If you wonder why there is no input cable connected to my Flow8 audio interface, it's because I used bluetooth as an input.
All in all i am really happy about my solution. I think it is really helpful to automatically analyze bpm on wolfmix. I no more have to manually tap in bpm. I can even leave my wolfmix alone and it is still doing music synced lights.
Feel free to ask questions. I am from germany please excuse some writing mistakes.
Best regards Daniel