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Proper Fixture Ordering

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:53 am
by bd97
What is the proper way to order fixtures as you add them in from a blank project so that the Color FX Patterns and Beam FX Patterns function properly?

There's two ways I have tried.:

Method One: Fixtures added by totals — You add in each fixture type all together.
1. Moving Head
2. Moving Head
3. Uplight
4. Uplight
5. Tube Light
6. Tube Light

Method Two: Fixtures added chronologically from left to right — Starting at stage left working across to stage right, like reading a book.
1. Moving Head
2. Uplight
3. Tube Light
4. Tube Light
5. Uplight
6. Moving Head

Which way is correct so that the FX will be ordered/phased correctly? Obviously both ways still produce a result, but sometimes the FX patterns are out of order. For example, if doing a split left/right pattern, sometimes there will be a few fixtures that are flip flopped.

Thanks in advance for any insight on this.

Re: Proper Fixture Ordering

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 3:22 pm
by mobiledjwes
I'm not sure I exactly understand what you are saying. But I set mine up like this:

Group 1 = 6 uplights
Group 2 = 2 moving heads
Group 3 = 2 moving heads

The order is really irrelevant.

Re: Proper Fixture Ordering

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:28 pm
by bd97
Let me try to explain. The question is simply about sequencing, and how to achieve it properly.

You know how one of the encoders controls Order? The options are left, right, outward, and inward. This is the clearest example of where proper sequencing of your fixtures really matters. But it ultimately plays a role in the phasing of every effect within the Wolfmix.

Realistically, the only way for the controller to know where your fixtures are positioned in the real world is based on the fixture list. And the order of the fixture list depends on how you’ve added everything in. So I’m asking, in what order should the fixtures be added into the project to achieve proper sequencing?

Usually I would add them in by total of each fixture type. So if I have 4 moving heads, 4 tube lights, and 4 uplights, that’s the order I would add them in. That’s also how I would split up the groups. Then I would address the fixtures from left to right, like reading a book.

Movers: 01, 20, 39, 58
Tubes: 77, 82, 87, 92
Uplights: 97, 101, 105, 109

Everything is symmetrical on both sides, with the DJ booth in the center. But with this method, I’ve noticed some weird quirks when it comes to sequencing. For example, doing a split pattern where the left side should be red and the right side should be blue, the uplight colors will be inverted. Despite no change in how I’ve added, addressed, or positioned them in the rig relative to the other fixtures.

Another school of thought is adding the fixtures in one by one, going in order of where they’ll be from stage left to stage right. These different methods will result in different DMX addresses for the fixtures, and seems to result in different variations of sequencing. I’ve tried both ways, and neither seem quite right 100% of the time.

TLDR: I just want my fixtures to fade/chase/phase/split in proper sequence from left to right, right to left, center out etc. So in what order should they be added?

Re: Proper Fixture Ordering

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:34 am
by TomDen
I think the order they are added in the fixture list doesnt matter as that is just the address used to control them. It is the order that you control them that is key. Having said that some sort of logical order so you can find them would make sense but entirely a personal choice I'd say.

EDIT: Just read your comments properly!!! I don't know but will use this as an excuse to try my lights later and see what happens!