Firmware 1.1.8

General discussion between Wolfmix owners. Checked occasionally by the Wolfmix support team.
Posts: 523
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:54 pm

Firmware 1.1.8

Post by Simon »

Firmware 1.1.8 is now available. Just a few new features, however a lot of changes under the hood.

- Fix bug reading DMX IN signal from some controllers.
- Fix bug with DMX learn always being enabled on groups screen.

- Fix problem with FULL function getting latched with two Wolfmix's synchronised in WLINK mode.

- Fix a problem with project errors when importing from WTOOLS.
- Fix bug with fixture version not being saved when updating a custom fixture.
- Fix issue with preset colors of older projects not always being initialised properly.
- Fix issue with MIDI mapping not being loaded from a project [MK2]

- Fix a freeze when closing WTOOLS whilst communicating with Wolfmix.

- Minor bug fix with factory restore.

- Fix issue with USB communication when a controller is not registered.
- Fix issue with record time being set on the wrong Preset when recording live.
- Fix issue with Fixture Limits preview and inverted channels.
- Fix problem splitting fixtures in a profile with more than 256 channels.
- other minor improvements.

- Minor bug fixes.

- Color a Preset button, including auto color based on Preset contents.
- New Preset edit screen with easier preset deletion.
- Jump presets with BPM. Specify number of beats globally, or per individual preset.
- Improve how preset playback syncs with WLINK.
- Fix bug with gobos after loading just presets from another project.
- Fix 16 bit channel handling when a feature has a different number of pan and tilt channels.
- Various minor bug fixes.