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Dimmer levels for flash effects

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 12:46 pm
by DJDerrick
Is it possible to provide a dimmer level when you hit Wolf or Blinder?
Now it's a fixed level. For instance Blinder is always at 100%. My LEDPARs are too powerfull and it sometimes scares people, really.

For Strobe on the other hand, the current dimmer level is not affected so the lights lose the half of their output because they strobe. A temporary dimmerboost (not 100% but but an adjustable amount more) can solve this lack of light. Also here a choice of dimmer level could be a solution.

If there could be a seperate choice for these flash effects , say 100%, 80%, 60% and 40% ?
That would be great!

Thank you,