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set independantly fixtures on the same group

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 4:26 pm
by PHC
Dear team,

I have two lyres, each one with its own dmx address, on the same group.

Sometimes, especially for static position, I want to select only one to set it up independantly but I didn't find how to do it.
Have them on the same group is convenient for my different program and I wish that is possible without separate them on two different group.

Could you please assist.

Best regards,

Re: set independantly fixtures on the same group

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:59 pm
by axell
On static Color use the encoder and dial it from SINGLE to the "Alternate" mode (dot on/off/on/oof). Now you can select more Colors which are evenly distributed to the fixtures.
Example: dial to "Alternate" and select RED & BLUE. If you have 2 fixtures, one will be Red, the other will be Blue...and so on

Re: set independantly fixtures on the same group

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:06 am
by PHC
Hi axell,

Thank you for your answer which effectively could help in certain cases.

However I'm particularly interrested for static position solution to allow me set the position of each lyre individually.
Even be able to move only one lyre at certain time. This is when, for example, during an event I need to put a light/lyre on the wedding cake and follow something else with the other lyre.



Re: set independantly fixtures on the same group

Posted: Mon May 01, 2023 9:32 am
by axell
Sorry, I may have had something different in my mind than that what I actually wrote, mixed up static Position with static Color.

Your POSITION issue only could be handled by using Live Edit Presets, I‘m afraid. But you can put both Moving Heads to point to different positions on a single Live Edit Preset button, so the effort can be handled easily.