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Question about effects

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 2:14 pm
by Laserbear
I have been using my wolfmix for the better part of a year and have some questions as I add more lights and use more house rigs.

The fixture order screen as I understand wants all your fixtures listed top to bottom in a way that accurately reflects the more real world positioning of left to right. This allows the effects such to function properly right to left or center out etc.

My question is how the groups affect this. Obviously the effects are only applied to the active groups, but say I have 8 fixtures in group A upstage lighting the backdrop. And then 8 more fixtures in group B downstage hitting the audience. If I wanted a center out dimmer effect that syncs up what is happening on both rows of lights, how would I arrange the fixture order?

Would the effect start by default in the center of each active group, or will it start between the 2 groups that are active, based on their positions within the fixture list?

Re: Question about effects

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 2:10 pm
by Djhawkeye
Yes, i wonder about that too. And what happens if you have 8 fixture in the group A and 6 fixture in the group B?