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Fixture default PAN/ Tilt etc. Werte

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:33 pm
by wonderfuldayevents

My fixtures are all different in PAN and TILT when I switch on the Wolfmix and no program/FX is running.
How can I set the default values? :?:

Re: Fixture default PAN/ Tilt etc. Werte

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:59 pm
by axell
1. You have to switch off ANY FX (Color, Move, Beam) for EVERY Group your Moving Heads are assigned to
2. Now select (static) Position and check if a POSITION Preset of your Moving Head Group is active selected in Preset 1-5 (then press encoder) and 6-10 - de-select them

You can now check the actual Pan/Tilt values by going to HOME / SETUP / DMX Values and have a look at the corresponding Pan/Tilt channels. They should have a default of 127. If you want to change the DEFAULT values, you can now select the Pan channel, dialing the TEST encoder (1st on the left) and watch the (Pan)position change while dialing. Once you have reached the desired (Pan)position, read the DMX value on TEST and now dial the DEFAULT encoder (2nd from left) to the exact same DMX value. Now do the same procedure with the Tilt channel. You have now changed your Default position of your Moving Head.

Also, do not forget that after patching a Moving Head to the Wolfmix, it is highly recommended to also adjust the FIXTURE LIMITS of the Moving Heads in order for best operation.