I have the same fixtures here, so I was having the same issue as you. I don’t know if my answer is still relevant for you (your question is older than a year), but I found a workaround to solve the problem. I don’t know if there’s a better way to control the Octagon CW/WW/A 20x6W, but I am happy with the solution I found, even if it's a quite dirty workaround.
First: what’s the basic problem?
As you already described, the Octagon has three different LEDs for each of its 20 lights. One cold-white LED, one warm-white LED and one amber LED. I normally use the 4-Channel mode, that’s defined as: Ch1: cold-white, Ch2: warm-white, Ch3: amber, Ch4: master dimmer.
The problem now is, that the Wolfmix doesn’t allow to control single channels. It’s impossible to tell the device: set Ch1 to 255, Ch2 to 40, Ch3 to 198 and Ch4 to 255. You can tell the Wolfmix, what color it has to show, but you can’t access the raw DMX-data.
So the Wolfmix knows the color „amber“ and this is linked to the amber LEDs of the Octagon. So this works fine. After some testing, I also had the cold-white channel controlled, but it still was impossible for me to access the warm-white LEDs and to mix cw, ww and amber.
So how can this problem be solved?
All I did, was to edit the Fixture in my Wolfmix. Since I only use the 4-channel mode of the Octagon, I only changed the settings of this mode, but the workaround should work for other modes too. The solution is to redefine the three color-channels in the fixture profile.
I changed
channel 1 from cold-white to red,
channel 2 from warm-white to green
and channel 3 from amber to blue.
Why did I do this? Red, green and blue are the three single colors, that the wolfmix knows and that can be displayed using only one peticular LED per color - since in an RGB-device there usually is one LED for red, one for green and one for blue. The rest of the colors are mixed using a combination of these three colors.
What does this mean for the Octagon CW/WW/A 20x6W?
When I set the Wolfmix to red, the Octagons switch the cold-white LEDs on, because for the Wolfmix red is the first DMX-channel and so is cold-white for the Octagon.
When I set the Wolfmix to green, the Octagons switch the warm-white LEDs on and the Wolfmix set to blue, the Octagons switch to Amber. So using these three colors, I am able to control each of the three LED-types of the Octagon.
What if I want to mix the Octagon-LEDs?
Now I can simply use other colors, that usually are mixed using R, G and B. For example - pink/violet is a mixture of red and blue. So setting the Wolfmix to pink will mix the cold-white and the amber LEDs.
When I set the wolfmix to white, all three channels are used equally, so by switching to white I can run the Octagons at full power (CW,WW and A at 100%).
Important: to use the changed fixture-preset, I had to delete my Octagon-fixtures in my Wolfmix fixture-list and add them again.
Wolfmix only knows ONE White - you can assign to a White channel
But you have 6 Color Channels you can assign individually (Red, Green, Blue,..and White, Amber and UV)
Having 2 Whites (warm + cold white) plus Amber, you want to edit the profile as follows:
Assign (cold) WHITE to channel type White
Assign AMBER to channel type Amber
Assign (warm) White to channel typ UV!
Finally edit your assignments in Color Picker of the Group (hold SHIFT + press UV .../ WHITE .../ AMBER) and dial out all RGB values from White, UV and Amber (set Red = 0% / Green = 0% / Blue = 0%).
You now can control you 3 Colors individually by press White = cold White, UV = warm White and Amber = Amber