Feature Requests: Midi & Color/Move

General discussion between Wolfmix owners. Checked occasionally by the Wolfmix support team.
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Feature Requests: Midi & Color/Move

Post by ShavenMane »

Hi Guys,

I know this may be something that has probably been asked for but I recently bought an AKAI APC Mini MK2,
I suppose my reason for buying it was I was hoping to map all my presets & live edits to the pads. I can map the presets to the pads but there is no functionality to add a MIDI trigger to the live edits. I know at the moment I can keep the live edits open on the wolfmix & control presets and dimmers on the APC. Are there plans down the line to be able to MIDI map more features on the unit? Even the strobe, blinder smoke buttons would be awesome too. Also, can the master dimmer be midi mapped?

My second feature request is:

Could we see maybe a pro mode down the line that would allow us to have colour fx & move effects independent to each group?
An example of this is, if I have 4 moving heads shining out on the crowd doing their move fx and i have 2 moving heads sitting upright and i want to get them to perform a different move pattern, would this be possible? And also allows them to move through colors differently that the other heads.

Honestly its an amazing product and is fun when you get in on it but for me these features would be a game changer.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Feature Requests: Midi & Color/Move

Post by willm »

Hi Gary,

At this moment in time, it is unfortunately not possible to map Live Edits or Flash FX to MIDI- only Presets. I can not guarantee if or when that would be released at this moment in time, but it's something that has been requested frequently and will certainly be considered for the next major update.

It is possible to map the Master (or indeed, Group dimmers) by going to Settings > Groups, then scroll to select the relevant group, press in the 4th encoder to switch to 'MIDI' setting. Now, you can either scroll to manually set the Channel and CC value, or hold Shift and press the encoder in to enter 'Learn' mode (then simply move the desired fader to complete the mapping).

Regarding your final question- it is indeed also another heavily requested function to allow multiple FX engines in the Wolfmix. It would be a major change to the programming, and there are many obstacles such as UI/UX issues to consider- but it is again something that will definitely be considered going forwards.

Kind regards,
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Joined: Mon Nov 11, 2024 12:33 am

Re: Feature Requests: Midi & Color/Move

Post by ShavenMane »

Hi Will,

Thanks for the reply.

One last feature I'd like to request to be considered would be an option to change the position of the master dimmer to work after the live edits.
Sometimes in smaller venues, i have some cool live edits but the values can be quite intense for the size of the room so allowing the live edits to be before the master dimmer would be a massive help to reduce the brightness!

Hope this made sense.

Kind Regards,

Posts: 68
Joined: Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:42 pm

Re: Feature Requests: Midi & Color/Move

Post by willm »

Hey Gary,

Sorry for the delay! I have been thinking about this issue and whilst I think it definitely is an interesting idea, I'm not sure it how it would work in practice. There is also the chance that it could cause more problems that it solves, or fix a problem within a very specific use case- but create a problem in a different use case.

One potential work around I can think of for now depends on the fixture type you are using, if it has a designated Dimmer channel- perhaps there is a possibility that we could split the fixture into multiple parts so that the Dimmer essentially acts as it's own fixture. That way, it will respond to the master dimmer function without affecting the RGB channels that are set to a static value via Live Edit.

Kind regards,
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