I know that within the Wolfmix you can connect a Midi Controller with sliders, and make them interact with the dimmers, or certain DMX channels.
Howerver, I would like to know if its possible, to also connect a slider to the Speed Variable used within for example the Color and Move FX.
As this would allow for dynamic control of the speed, outside of everytime going into the fx and altering with the rotating nob.
Would be amazing if this where a possibility.
Control FX Speed with Midi
Re: Control FX Speed with Midi
This is not possible with a MIDI controller and will be also not possible with any other EXTERNAL controller. All (effect) speed control options are available directly on the Wolfmix User Interface itself. Wolfmix is NOT a fully programmable DMX Controller!
MIDI on Wolfmix ONLY(!) controls GROUP DIMMERS and select (REGULAR) PRESETS.
There is no further (deeper) DMX Control via MIDI possible.
The built-in Speed Sync options at the effects are not adjustable via external controllers. You have the "fixed" speeds (adjustable by the rotary encoder), BPM speeds (tap the BPM button) Audio in (audio pulse recognition) as well as OS2L and Ableton Link PLUS MIDI clock sync.
MIDI on Wolfmix ONLY(!) controls GROUP DIMMERS and select (REGULAR) PRESETS.
There is no further (deeper) DMX Control via MIDI possible.
The built-in Speed Sync options at the effects are not adjustable via external controllers. You have the "fixed" speeds (adjustable by the rotary encoder), BPM speeds (tap the BPM button) Audio in (audio pulse recognition) as well as OS2L and Ableton Link PLUS MIDI clock sync.