Fixtures with split beams (LINKED) don't go into the second universe

General discussion between Wolfmix owners. Checked occasionally by the Wolfmix support team.
Posts: 21
Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:02 pm

Fixtures with split beams (LINKED) don't go into the second universe

Post by MPGTechnikTeam »

Hello everyone,

when I try to change the address of a fixture with multiple beams and set it to a DMX address in a second universe,
it just doesn't want to go into the second universe. It just loops around in the first one.

Btw, I like the new forum theme! Just the text in the post box being grey isn't that friendly on the eyes.
This is the link to the video as I couldn't attach it here for some reason.

Kind regards, David
Posts: 21
Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:02 pm

Re: Fixtures with split beams (LINKED) don't go into the second universe

Post by MPGTechnikTeam »

Hi, any updates on this bug?
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Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:52 am

Re: Fixtures with split beams (LINKED) don't go into the second universe

Post by axell »

There seem to be something "odd" with your project.

1. When you patch a "split" fixture, always the first entry should include the (given) Startaddress. the following "beams" entries are then represented as "Linked". So you should see the original DMX Startaddress of the Hero Spot in the first line, then the "Linked" entry in the second line, which isn't the case. 2 "linked" entries don't work for "Address moving".

2. When I try to duplicate your issue. here it nicely shows a Startaddress in the first line and a "Linked" in the second. When I select the entry to "move", it "auto-selects" both (or all) "Linked" entries and I can move them anywhere I want, even into Universe 2.

My "guess" is something is "blocking" the fixture when patching correctly (maybe an earlier occupation of that address with a Live Edit or incomplete deleted Live Edit or similar)

Test yourself and create a fresh, new Project, patch the Hero Spot fixture in there and try to move the Address afterwards. If it is working here, then something "is wrong" with your other project.
Posts: 21
Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:02 pm

Re: Fixtures with split beams (LINKED) don't go into the second universe

Post by MPGTechnikTeam »

I tried it in multiple projects but I'll try making a completely fresh one.

Thank you!
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