Firmware 1.2.3 is now available. In addition to the items below, we've re-worked a lot of the message box workflows, so please let us know if anything strange happens when dismissing message boxes and alerts!
Live Edit Macros
This is the biggest new feature in this firmware version and allows for you to assign the 3 available encoders on the Live Edit screen to control a custom feature. You can try it with the updated demo project which I've attached to this post (this will be updated in WTOOLS once this firmware version has been made official). These 3 encoders are set by default to control Prism Rotation, Focus, and Zoom of all fixtures in the project. You can change the feature the encoder controls, along with which fixtures it controls by shift+hitting the encoder. As with the Live Edit buttons, these values can be stored and recalled from Presets, or locked so that they remain at a set value. We'll get the documentation updated once this goes official.
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue recalling static colors on Group A, when a project has fixtures in the 'Other' group
- Fix crash caused with certain Group names
- Fix issue displaying files on a USB stick when all letters are uppercase
Bug Fixes
- Hot fix with 2nd page of gobos not being automatically populated when patching the same fixture in 2 different groups
Bug Fixes
- Hot fix with Universe 2 not working on WMX1
- Set default value of 'Other Color' channel types to 0
Bug Fixes
- Fix freeze when detecting certain MIDI devices
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue with fading and holding between presets during playback.
- Fix issue scaling dimmer channel values.
- Fix issue with keyboard not closing after registering a feature.
- New Live Edit macros. Assign a feature to an encoder on the Live Edit screen. Edit the Feature and Fixture selection with Shift.
- Record a Live Edit from the DMX Values screen.
- Merge presets from another project into the open project.
- Add pulse indicator to Home screen.
Bug Fixes
- Fix issue unlocking controller after a password has been entered incorrectly.
- Fix issues exiting editor screens when flash buttons are hit, including a crash with shift.
- Fix issue with keyboard not working properly after entering an empty project name.
- Fix bug with preset DMX jump being set to enabled by default after factory reset.
Firmware 1.2.5
Firmware 1.2.5
- Attachments
- Wolfmix
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