Exclude fixtures from strobe effect

General discussion between Wolfmix owners. Checked occasionally by the Wolfmix support team.
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Exclude fixtures from strobe effect

Post by InnkreisBuam »


I would like to have a quick access button to activate our strobe. Ideally, this would be the strobe effect button, because it is always instantly available. That's the idea I guess ;-) The problem is, that the strobe effect button applies to all "strobe capable" devices, which doesn't look nice when other FX settings are activated for these fixtures.

My first thought was, that there should be a way to exclude fixtures from the strobe effect button? But I could not find anything! Did I miss something? or is there another way?

My workaround at the moment is to use the live edit to activate/deactivate the strobe which is not really convenient.

Maybe someonce can help me here! Thx in advance!
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Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:52 am

Re: Exclude fixtures from strobe effect

Post by axell »

you can indeed exclude GROUPS from Strobe ( and Blinder and Wolf and Blackout) effect.
Go to HOME / SETUP / GROUPS and select the Group you want to exclude the Flash effect for. Then use the dialer (encoder) to select either Wolf, or Blackout, or Strobe or Blinder and press the encoder. You then disabled the Flash effect from that Group.
Another way is to create Live Edit Presets for individual,Strobe effects.
Finally you can also create the profile for the fixture you don't want Strobe on and edit "no Strobe" (Other?) into it, and it wil not strobe
So many options already available ....
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