Using the blinder with RGBW fixtures

General discussion between Wolfmix owners. Checked occasionally by the Wolfmix support team.
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Using the blinder with RGBW fixtures

Post by bd97 »

When using the blinder button with fixtures that have RGBW capabilities, is there any way to map the blinder button so that it only brings the white value up to 100%, without also bringing the RGB values up to 100%?

The reason I ask is because RGB at 100% doesn't make "pure white". Rather, it's more of a blueish purple color.

I checked inside the DMX profile for my particular fixture (ADJ Jolt Panel FX) to see if I could force custom min/max values for the blinder parameter, but found there is no section for this. Unlike, say, forcing values for the strobe or dimmer.

Obviously, R+G+B+W at 100% is brighter than just W at 100%. So I understand the logic behind it. Just think it would look better to use only white on capable fixtures. Especially if they already have a dedicated strip of white LED's for blinding :lol:
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Re: Using the blinder with RGBW fixtures

Post by axell »

I don't think so. Blinder puts "ALL" Dimmer channels it can find in the profile up to 255, regardless of the Color. So even if you edit WHITE in Color Picker (SHIFT+Color button) to have a "pure" White (dial Red, Green + Blue to 0% - keep White at 100%), when you press Blinder ALL Channels will be up to 255 again.

If you want/need a "pure" White Blinder, you have to use Live Edit Preset, I am afraid.
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Re: Using the blinder with RGBW fixtures

Post by leesinthemix »

I would quite like to have the ability to FADE IN the blinder with a delay, as we can with the fade out. Being able to set the max intensity would also be great.

These options would be a nice touch for breakdowns. Blinders on immediately at 100%, just isn't desirable in most situations for mobile DJs.
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Re: Using the blinder with RGBW fixtures

Post by bd97 »

Blinder FADE IN would be a great addition! I would totally use that.

As far as the white balance goes, it would be helpful if the blinder referenced WHITE from the Color Picker. Groups that have white set as (RGB 100%) could be differentiated from groups that have (RGB 0% White 100%) or (RGB 0% White 100% Amber 100%). I have no issue with the intensity being set to full power, that's the whole point of the blinder!

A live edit would allow for pure white, but would sacrifice the FADE OUT. Without this natural dimmer curve, it's pretty harsh.

Ultimately, the more functionality that can be packed into the Flash FX column, the less of a reason there is to buy any other controller! 8-)
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Re: Using the blinder with RGBW fixtures

Post by moka »

Same here, would love to use White channel only for RGBW devices when using the bilnder button
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