FEATURE REQUEST: Profile READER (read-only)!

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FEATURE REQUEST: Profile READER (read-only)!

Post by axell »

Many times I just want to have a look into a Profile, in order to what or how things were configured or to verify a few channels or...or...
To do so, I ALWAYS have to open the Profile into PROFILE BUILDER, which then also counts as 1 (more) open to the max. 100 opens limitation of the Nicolaudie Cloud! So if you want to compare a few profiles, you always raise your open count against this limitation of 100, just to view a few things inside the profile. If compare a few files - it always adds the few opens.

So I think that if you are required to edit your profiles in order to make it run on the Nicolaudie Controller platform, to have a (just) Profile READER (read-only) would be a perfect match complimentary to the Profile Builder if you just want to have a "look" how things are done.