I ve spotlight RGBWA
How can i setup the Amber color button with the DMX chanel from the spotlight and avoid a mixing RGBW value for Amber.
Spotlight Amber color padtouch
Re: Spotlight Amber color padtouch
Select COLOR (NOT ColorFX! - just COLOR). Hold SHIFT + press AMBER (you now entering the Color Picker).
1. select RGBW section (top of screen) - dial all 4 encoders to 0% (Red= 0%, Green=0%, Blue=0%, White=0%)
2. switch to RGBWAU section (top of screen) - dial AMBER to 100%
Store the setting by press the flashing Color button (confirm)
You can/want to do the same with your WHITE channel, so it is not "doubled" with Red,Green,Blue segments also.
1. select RGBW section (top of screen) - dial all 4 encoders to 0% (Red= 0%, Green=0%, Blue=0%, White=0%)
2. switch to RGBWAU section (top of screen) - dial AMBER to 100%
Store the setting by press the flashing Color button (confirm)
You can/want to do the same with your WHITE channel, so it is not "doubled" with Red,Green,Blue segments also.