Fixture Minispot 60 Prism is not Working

Fixture not working as it should? Post it here and we'll check it out. Be precise with the fixture name as there are many with similar names.
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Fixture Minispot 60 Prism is not Working

Post by Blacksnake1983 »

I have the following problem with the Light4me Minispot60Prism. I had already written to Nicolaudie but I guess they can't help me. I load the latest SSL on my Wolfmix and the moving head doesn't respond no matter what I do or press. It moves on its own as if it were in auto mode, which it isn't. Other LED pars and scanners work with the Wolfmix without any problems. The Minispot60 also works with Daslight, but unfortunately not with the W1 :-(
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Re: Fixture Minispot 60 Prism is not Working

Post by axell »

Wolfmix is working correct. 60W Spot Prism is setup correct. So it can only be the "PROFILE" which is not correct.
There are a few variations of profiles floating around matching words "mini spot" "60W", "Prism", "light4me" - you have to select the MATCHING profile for proper operation! is if you have the manual of your Fixture and you create your very own (matching) profile and it will then work accordingly.

light4me focus Spot 60W Prism 13Ch mode
light4me smart Spot 60W Prism 14Ch mode
light4me mini Spot 60W Prism 9Ch / 15Ch modes
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